About us

Our mission

To assist the Elderly, Children and Adults with Special needs and disabilities or Chronic illnesses to acquire funded, subsidized and affordable services at home and in the community.

Our story

We help the Elderly and people with Disabilities, Special needs or Chronic illnesses to acquire Home and Community based services. We are here to assist you to acquire the services you need, whether you live alone or with family.

We educate you about funded and subsidized services and  assist you to apply. We also connect you with providers who are licensed to provide the services at your home and in the community. We understand that your main goal is to live a healthy, productive and if possible independent life while being safe at home and in the community.

Research has shown that lack of awareness, reluctance, unavailability, and affordability of services were the main reasons for unmet needs for Home and Community based services. Factors that have been associated with unmet needs include greater care needs – functional limitations and behavioral problems, and less informal support.

Our staff

Our staff are reliable, efficient, compassionate and patient. We assist and answer any questions or concerns in a timely manner. We guarantee respect and confidentiality to all our customers.

How can we help you?